Monday, November 23, 2009

Uplifting and Inspirational, two vital elements for good news

I want to start my new blog in a positive light. Just watched the interview on TV of Efren Penaflorida, the CNN Hero of the Year awardee. For such a huge feat, the MAN  is an epitome of humbleness, humility and modesty. The words he carefully blurted out were full of sincerity to help Filipinos help themselves. And since he is a Filipino and a common man, I literally tingled with pride and joy! You see, the humongous success of a simple and average joe makes hopeless people feel hopeful and gives the downtrodden something to be happy about even for a while. This is the power of positivism in awe inspiring and uplifting  news stories.

I dare the giant media conglomerates to start a paradigm shift in broadcasting/publishing positive and moving stories such as Penaflorida's success as their headlines. Enough of the negativism and cynicism in popular media. If we are really sincere in negating the bad attitudes of our nation, we must urged media, the most powerful influence peddler, to hype up good news. I will guarantee you, slowly but surely, we will feel the change. Can you imagine if  we see our fellow Filipinos having confidence in themselves? Having the right attitude to work painstakingly? Doing work diligently instead of wasting time talking trash? This might be farfetched right now or maybe short of a miracle, but believe me, if media, which has a very vital role to play in society's attitude and culture, embraces these two important elements for good news then we will become the new economic tiger we were hyped up to be.

By Paolo Angelo Florenda


  1. hi,pao!
    nice blog start, this paradigm shift you are right, media is always focused on the negative instead of the positive ones!
    I remember Nestor Torre who once wrote that media sometimes does not know anymore when to stop and show respect to others....keep up the good work and more blogs to come read!!!

  2. Thanks for the nice comment Tito Poch....regards to Tita Vhem and the way, why the screen name erik de rote? hehe

  3. Great blog, Pao! I will bookmark so I can visit often. :)


  4. Thanks Iya! Regards to William and Lucas!
